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sabrina lloyd
Feb 22, 20221 min read
Where do our wishes go when they fall with the stars?
Spring is reaching out her hand, pulling us slowing out of winter. I hold her tight, interlace her fingers with mine, chasing that...

sabrina lloyd
Feb 4, 20221 min read
and another moon passed...
Is this just age? When time seems to move so fast that you turn around and days bleed into weeks that leak into years so that you wake up...

sabrina lloyd
Oct 4, 20212 min read
Notes from my table on loneliness
Yesterday I sat with my children at the water's edge. The sun was making its way towards the horizon. A sea lion surfaced only a few feet...

sabrina lloyd
Sep 11, 20211 min read
From sky to root
Yesterday began in the heavens and constellations. My son is taking a class with an astronomer working in Northern British Columbia....

sabrina lloyd
May 17, 20211 min read
Monday's poem
by David Whyte Ten Years Later When the mind is clear and the surface of the now still, swaying water slaps against the rolling kayak, I...

sabrina lloyd
Apr 23, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
The rains are here; Dampness has moved in. Sweaters unearthed from the very bottom of drawers. Blankets accumulating near all sitting...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 21, 20212 min read
The drawer of things that didn’t work out
About six months ago I learned how to knit. Sitting in front of online videos I stitched and stitched until my fingers bled and my dreams...

sabrina lloyd
Apr 12, 20211 min read
Monday's poem.
A very famous one, probably familiar to you all, from Mary Oliver. It seems to fit the moment well and I love revisiting it. I seem to do...
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