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sabrina lloyd
Sep 26, 20212 min read
That only constant....
Things can happen so fast. Change falling like hail from a second ago blue sky. I've had loss that came too quickly in my life, left me...

sabrina lloyd
Aug 10, 20212 min read
Leaving social media and choosing the snail
I've just finished the most amazing book, The Sound Of A Wild Snail Eating. I don't know why this book, of all the books I've read and...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 10, 20211 min read
Summer days and the sweetest little gallery
I am letting summer in. The rest, slow down. Heat making limbs loose; Naps always on the edge of fingers. Long walks on the beach,...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 3, 20212 min read
Dear Friday, from an island in the Salish Sea
I've been absent from this space. The travel home, the resettling, readjusting. Beds to make, friends to reconnect with. Seeds planted in...
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sabrina lloyd
May 24, 20211 min read
Monday's poem and life lately
I missed the Dear Friday last week. There are not enough hours in the day. One child homeschooling, one virtual learning. Cooking and...

sabrina lloyd
May 17, 20211 min read
Monday's poem
by David Whyte Ten Years Later When the mind is clear and the surface of the now still, swaying water slaps against the rolling kayak, I...

sabrina lloyd
May 14, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
Another week filled with art and music, nature, my children's laughter and sometimes tears. Kenya is out of lockdown, cases have fallen,...

sabrina lloyd
Apr 30, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
I've watched too much news. I sleep and dream of those suffering in India, the faces caught on cameras gasping for breath. The only...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 26, 20213 min read
Monday's poem
This one is by my dear friend Joel McKerrow. You must go and visit his HUMAN exhibition. It's art and poetry and music, and profound....
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 23, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
The rains are here; Dampness has moved in. Sweaters unearthed from the very bottom of drawers. Blankets accumulating near all sitting...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 21, 20212 min read
The drawer of things that didn’t work out
About six months ago I learned how to knit. Sitting in front of online videos I stitched and stitched until my fingers bled and my dreams...

sabrina lloyd
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
I turn on my computer to see there has been another mass shooting in the States. I turn on the TV and see a news special about all the...
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