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sabrina lloyd
Apr 23, 20221 min read
New collection, upcoming shows
Spring has sprung, windows cracked at night, air so sweet and fresh. The world still holding so much turmoil, which makes me hold tighter...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 18, 20221 min read
Slowing down....
Happy Easter, for those who celebrate. Happy passover, for those in celebration. Happy full moon for all you witches. I've been slowing...

sabrina lloyd
Mar 26, 20222 min read
Spring hope, sorrows, and a poem
A friend reached out a hand today to pull me back here. I've gotten lost in my work, in the sufferings of the world, in the blossoms...

sabrina lloyd
Feb 4, 20221 min read
and another moon passed...
Is this just age? When time seems to move so fast that you turn around and days bleed into weeks that leak into years so that you wake up...

sabrina lloyd
Dec 16, 20212 min read
Holiday time
Our days in this part of the world are getting darker, light leaving little by little as we sit on the cusp of the winter solstice. I...

sabrina lloyd
Nov 29, 20211 min read
Notes from the mountain
The rain keeps falling. We've been lucky so far, on our little island. A few mud slides, some torn up roads, but everyone has been safe....

sabrina lloyd
Nov 9, 20212 min read
A poem, two paintings, and a prayer.
Another storm is on its way, carrying a warning on its wind. We spent yesterday stacking wood to ready ourselves for fallen trees and...
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sabrina lloyd
Oct 12, 20211 min read
Thank you.
Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Even after all these years it catches me by surprise. It is so ingrained in me for it to fall closer to...
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sabrina lloyd
Aug 25, 20211 min read
Tueday's troubles and tenderness
We are not in lockdown again, but our faces must be covered once more starting tomorrow in BC. Our hidden faces are what led me to my...

sabrina lloyd
Aug 22, 20211 min read
I've been working on this piece for the last few days. The world and its struggles pouring into my eyes through images and words and...

sabrina lloyd
Aug 17, 20211 min read
Monday's poem and the apocalypse
The world sure feels overwhelming right now. Fires, and the pandemic. Earthquakes and images of desperation as people cling to an...

sabrina lloyd
Aug 10, 20212 min read
Leaving social media and choosing the snail
I've just finished the most amazing book, The Sound Of A Wild Snail Eating. I don't know why this book, of all the books I've read and...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 14, 20211 min read
Dancing in daffodils
The garden's weeds look to me as if in battle. The beach calls to be walked, to swim in the coldest water I have known. Acres of forests...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 13, 20211 min read
The year of July and Monday's poem
A slip of the tongue; A beautiful new way to measure time. The summer days lend themselves to that feeling the days will not end, the...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 10, 20211 min read
Summer days and the sweetest little gallery
I am letting summer in. The rest, slow down. Heat making limbs loose; Naps always on the edge of fingers. Long walks on the beach,...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 6, 20211 min read
Monday's poem and life lately
The heatwave passed. Long walks on the beach. Homemade ice cream in bowls made by my own hands. Still in awe of being home. The beauty...

sabrina lloyd
Jul 3, 20212 min read
Dear Friday, from an island in the Salish Sea
I've been absent from this space. The travel home, the resettling, readjusting. Beds to make, friends to reconnect with. Seeds planted in...
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