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sabrina lloyd
Feb 22, 20221 min read
Where do our wishes go when they fall with the stars?
Spring is reaching out her hand, pulling us slowing out of winter. I hold her tight, interlace her fingers with mine, chasing that...

sabrina lloyd
Dec 16, 20212 min read
Holiday time
Our days in this part of the world are getting darker, light leaving little by little as we sit on the cusp of the winter solstice. I...

sabrina lloyd
Dec 5, 20211 min read
A year with paint stained hands.
The light today was pure bliss. We all stopped and just stared for a while, fell deep into the rays and washed ourselves with beauty. A...

sabrina lloyd
Oct 12, 20211 min read
Thank you.
Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Even after all these years it catches me by surprise. It is so ingrained in me for it to fall closer to...
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sabrina lloyd
Oct 4, 20212 min read
Notes from my table on loneliness
Yesterday I sat with my children at the water's edge. The sun was making its way towards the horizon. A sea lion surfaced only a few feet...

sabrina lloyd
Jun 22, 20211 min read
Monday's poem
By Mary Oliver, From The Book Of Time, poem 1. I rose this morning early as usual, and went to my desk. But it's spring, and the thrush...

sabrina lloyd
May 10, 20212 min read
Monday's poem and my life within it.
Yes, we have all read it, all heard it. Yet still the power of this poem! I was an actress in NYC. My career was full. I was content-ish....

sabrina lloyd
Apr 30, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
I've watched too much news. I sleep and dream of those suffering in India, the faces caught on cameras gasping for breath. The only...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 23, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
The rains are here; Dampness has moved in. Sweaters unearthed from the very bottom of drawers. Blankets accumulating near all sitting...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
I turn on my computer to see there has been another mass shooting in the States. I turn on the TV and see a news special about all the...

sabrina lloyd
Apr 9, 20211 min read
I've been watching the George Floyd trial happening in the States. I know I shouldn't. I couldn't watch the videos from the day when it...
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sabrina lloyd
Apr 2, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
Could you never tell a lie? Not even a small one. How you are, what you think, what you need. I listened to a podcast this week about...

sabrina lloyd
Mar 29, 20211 min read
Monday's poem
This one sinks me every time I read it, and I read it often. It's by RACHEL ELIZA GRIFFITHS, from her collection Seeing The Body. House...
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sabrina lloyd
Mar 26, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
I listened to something this week that has burrowed deep within me. I don't think I have ever been more moved by a podcast, heard...
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sabrina lloyd
Mar 19, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
It's been a long week. Not much sleep, news of countries closing down again, cases rising here in Kenya. It's been scary. The virus has...

sabrina lloyd
Mar 16, 20211 min read
It's not mindfulness, it's rest.
Insomnia found me a few years ago. It comes in waves, like storms. Sometimes it is only for a night, other times it lingers for what...
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sabrina lloyd
Mar 12, 20211 min read
Dear Friday,
Long week. It's hot in Kenya. Bone melting hot. But the long rains are coming and they bring their own difficulty so I lean into the sun...
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