As my sojourn in the states comes to an end and Italy looms closer every day, I find myself reflecting on all I will miss and the things I most certainly won’t.
Things I will miss:
The diversity.
Endless hot showers in wintertime.
Heated cafés and restaurants in wintertime.
Considerate drivers (at least here in LA).
Enormous playgrounds in which to watch your child run free and have a ball.
Progressive education options.
Jon Stewart.
Opening night movies.
Barnes and Noble, where I happily can spend an entire afternoon.
Mexican food.
The ability to see a doctor in August.
Internet plans that let you just keep having internet without it running out at random times.
Stores that stay open all day.
New York. New York. New York.
The things I can do without:
Pundits. I watched someone on the news the other day speculating on a speculation made by someone speculating on an original speculation.
The continuing, embarrassing war on women.
Outrageous school fees and a failing public system for those who cannot afford it.
Campaign spending.
GMO foods.
Youth obsession.
Oversized meals. (Unless of course it’s Mexican food.)