Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Even after all these years it catches me by surprise. It is so ingrained in me for it to fall closer to Christmas. It is the beginning of Christmas in the States. You have your dinner and the next day the lights come out and the house gets decorated and the holiday season has begun and that's when it's supposed to be!
Thanksgiving in Canada kind of dangles out there for me. It's not even Halloween, Christmas is still so far off and I find myself racing to get the last turkey, the cranberries, the makings for our pie as everything is selling out because everyone else is in the know while screaming inside, It's too early!!
But no matter when it falls (even as it falls so very very early here) it is such a beautiful moment to pause and stand in gratitude.
I have so much to be grateful for this year.
So very much.
Today gratitude wraps around me and holds me like skin.
A day when we pause to just be thankful.
I wanted to say, in the spirit of the day, thank you to all of you who come here to read my words and share in my journey.
I am grateful for you.

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving Sabrina! 🍗🥧🥂🍽☕🍁🇨🇦
I have met so many Canadians friends online. They are the nicest people! My counsellor friend - I am still doing her Shift Society mind management course - lives in Vancouver, BC...
I hope to visit there someday...
So many TV and movies filmed there. X Files...oh yeah...that one show about interdiemensional travellers...Sliders...you may have heard of it 😉
Yes, when It seems weird to know their holiday over there is before Halloween!
I am thankfuk to be able to connect with you and to know you as a person and as an artist.
The young teenager in me still is fanboying - I would have never thought as a teen watching Sliders that I…