I love this spot where the sky meets the sea. It is our playground. It is my heaven.
Every day, rain or shine, bundled against cold, or shedding against heat, this is where we come.
Living all over the world is so hard sometimes, but this is why we do it. Had Uganda not been so difficult we would have never found this.
When we came back to North America I wasn’t sure what would happen. Would I settle back into the easy life and never want to go? Would I again want what I had left behind?
Then a strange thing happened. I got offered a job, to step back into acting. Then another opportunity knocked. My old career was there waiting, peaking behind a door cracked open. But I didn’t want to push it open and walk through it.
I didn’t want to walk through it.
As much as I love this island, as much as I love being almost home, as tempting as it was to go back and walk through that old door, I realized I love this crazy wild ride I am on more.
It’s one thing to visit a place, spend a week or more touring and feel like you’ve seen it. It’s so completely different to live for years and breathe alongside of another culture, within another culture.
I realized that I’ll take the hard stops, and hopefully ride them out easier, and then breathe deeply in these perfect spots…
…where the sky meets the sea.
I want to keep going.
“The wild card. The unpredictable wild card that never comes when it should. Had it fallen earlier, years earlier, what would have happened to me? I looked at my palms trying to see the other life, the parallel life. The point at which my selves broke away…” –Jeanette Winterson, The Passion
Where did your paths verge, and what did you choose?